Resident Resources
care plans and workup
Pharmaceutical Care Plan - A comprehensive learning document covering all aspects of patient workup and therapeutic decision-making by pharmacists
Pharmacist’s Workup of Drug Therapy (PWDT)
Patient Monitoring Forms
To get you started and possibly evolve to your own preferences:
Patient Verbal Presentation Cheat Sheet
Health Record Documentation Format
Although there is no single documentation standard for pharmacists in LMPS, a safe bet for note format is SOAP. If you can write a good SOAP note, you can survive in almost any clinical setting. Learn from individual sites and preceptors about their unique documentation standards/formats. Other formats such as FARM (Findings, Assessment, Recommendations, Monitoring) are also acceptable.
Physical Examination Framework
Interpreting Laboratory Tests - Normal Reference Laboratory Values [NEJM 1998;339:1063-72]
Therapeutic Decision Making - A self-study and reference base for clinician learning about critical appraisal and other aspects of TDM. Use it to prepare for JournalClubs, keep a learning portfolio about your TDM learning, or just to check in for great resources on specific topics.
NERD Critical Appraisal Tools - Founded by one of our past residents, Ricky Turgeon, the NERDCAT program began as a pharmacy resident journal club. Please see the linked website for useful tools and resources for critically appraising evidence.
Drug Information References
Please see the Information Systems page
UBC Library Resources For Pharmacists
UBC Library Resources Orientation Guide