Project Process and Timelines
Overview of the Residency Research Project Process
There is no role for pharmacy students to participate in residency research project. The pharmacy resident is responsible for completing all steps in their residency research project. There may be specific circumstances that are exceptions to this, and residents are asked to connect directly with the residency coordinator if there are any questions surrounding student participation.
Students are permitted to shadow as long as there is no sharing of patient information. The resident must inform and obtain permission of the project Primary Investigator before any students shadow on the projects.
The call for project proposals for the upcoming cycle is sent out to preceptors. All project proposals submitted as potential residency projects must be approved and signed off by the investigator's Pharmacy Coordinator (either Distribution or Clinical) prior to submission. Project proposals are to be submitted using the one-page LMPS Residency Project Proposal Template and should:
have the potential to meet all CPRB Standard and Requirements
can be reasonable completed within 9 months in the context of all the other requirements of the Residency Program and
have value from the perspective of the department, the institution/region and/or the pharmacy profession
Submitting investigators should refer to the LMPS Project Suitability Checklist as they develop their proposal to ensure suitability. This is the checklist that will be used to assess submitted proposals by the Residency Project Oversight Committee.
The deadline for submission to the Program Coordinator in the second week of April.
All submitted project proposals are then reviewed by the Residency Project Oversight Committee (RPOC). The purpose of RPOC is to provide direction and oversight to residents and their project teams related to the successful conduct of the residency project/evaluation project. Brief feedback and suggestions may be provided to potential project preceptors during this review process. Some preceptors may be asked to make revisions and re-submit their proposals to ensure suitability/feasibility.
Submitted proposals approved by the RPOC will be made available to the incoming residents. Residents are expected to review these project proposals PRIOR to the start of their Program Orientation week. Preceptors that have submitted a project proposal(s) are asked to be available to answer questions by email or phone call from incoming residents should they want to clarify aspects of the proposal.
During their Orientation week, residents will then be asked to decide which projects are of interest and to submit a rank-order listing of the residency projects to the Program Coordinator by the stated deadline. Matched residents and project preceptors will be notified as soon as possible.
During the matching process, the following will be considered and taken into account:
preferences expressed by the student
prior distribution of projects and preceptors, and
other issues deemed relevant to optimize the learning experience and chance of success of the project(s)
It is expected that the project planning will be beginning immediately after notification of the matches.
The principal investigator for the project must be a preceptor affiliated with LMPS. The resident will be a junior co-investigator on the project.
The resident is expected to be actively involved in all aspects of the project, including literature review, design, methodology development, promotion, data collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation and publication.
The resident is expected to make efficient use of scheduled project time doing project-related work. The resident will use whatever additional time is required to complete the residency project and meet all stated deadlines. This is expected to be done so without detracting from other required activities of the Residency Program and its successful completion.
Write project protocol and submit for ethical approval and institutional/operational approval as required. The resident should complete the TCPS2 Core tutorial prior to submitting their project for ethical review, as required by the relevant Research Ethics Board (REB). As of 2018, all UBC pharmacy resident research projects must be submitted on UBC RISe
RISe Application instructions:
1. Box 1.8 should include a suffix Study nickname + “Pharmacy Residency Project”.
2. Box 4.2A, add “UBC”
3. Please ensure to have the correct Health Authority sites listed in Application, Box 4.2B.
4. Box 4.2D, For “UBC” site, please check off “Team member affiliation”
5. Informed consent letters/forms should include the UBC and Health Authority logos on them. The complaint contact information should be that as required by the Health Authority.
UBC Ethics Research Board has created the following document to help residents with the ethics approval process: UBC Research Ethics Boards Guidance Notes on the Streamlined Process for Pharmacy Residents
Our past residents have created the following documents to help guide you through these various ethical processes:
Progress project presentations will be scheduled in late August-early September. The purpose of these presentations is to provide the resident with an opportunity to present an overview of the progress of their residency project to date and solicit feedback from their peers, preceptors and other researchers. Residents will have 5 minutes to present, followed by 5-10 minutes of discussion.
Typical content would include the brief summary of background information; study objectives and outcomes; proposed methodology; proposed timeline; and status of ethics review.
Project preceptors/co-investigators are expected to be in attendance. As for all presentations, residents are expected to use the LMPS Powerpoint Presentation Template.
Completion of all approval processes and implementation planning (e.g.: data collection forms, database design, in-servicing, etc.)
October to February
Data collection should be started as early as possible. Any research data containing patient identifiers must be stored securely.
Finalize data collection.
Completion of data analysis.
Development of poster using the LMPS Research Poster Template. The department will support the cost of a color PowerPoint poster. Residents are expected to work within the framework of this template. Please do not alter the colors or adjust the overall sizing of the poster as all LMPS resident posters are expected to be uniform in this regard. However, the layout may be adjusted to suit to specific needs of the project.
Dry Run presentations will be scheduled at the end of April in preparation for Residency Research Night in May. Again, residents are expected to use the LMPS Powerpoint Presentation Template and present a 5-minute overview of their project. This will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion and feedback from their peers, preceptors and other researchers. Project preceptors/co-investigators are expected to be in attendance.
On Residency Research Night residents will be required meet all accreditation requirements. Specifically:
no brand names are to be used
all statements from the literature must be referenced using Vancouver style
references are to be indicated either with an superscript number on the slide with a final presentation slide listing all the references in numerical order, or referenced directly on the bottom of the relevant slide
Project posters finalized and all PowerPoint poster files AND a PDF file of the poster are to be submitted to the Program Coordinator for printing approximately 10 days prior to Residency Research Night. No changes can be made after the deadline.
Residency Research Night is generally held on the 3rd-4th Thursday of May. Residents will present a poster and a 5-minute oral podium presentation at the event.
Judges will provide feedback to residents using this RRN Poster Evaluator Feedback Form
Add your poster to your personal Permanent Presentation Folder
Prepare a written report/manuscript of the project in a format suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (use CJHP format unless PI has plans to submit to a different journal). The article category is “Original Research” with a word limit of 3000. As the writer of the first draft of the manuscript, the resident should usually be the "first author" on the publication.
Resident to submit a project manuscript of sufficient quality to the Program Coordinator within 4 weeks of the last day of their residency program. It is expected that the manuscript has met the preceptor(s)' approval prior to submission of the Program Coordinator. As such, the resident should expect numerous revisions/edits will likely be requested by their project preceptors before being deemed suitable for submission so submission. Please be sure to send a first draft to your PI a few weeks before the final manuscript is due.
Project preceptor to complete Faculty Evaluation of Research Project 30 days after the resident's last day of residency, or upon submission of an acceptable project manuscript as described above, whichever comes first. This evaluation will be uploaded to the preceptor's one45 inbox prior to the end of the resident's program for completion.
Submit completed project manuscript to the CSHP-BC and CSHP National awards.
Submit your manuscript for publication!